Minggu, 22 Januari 2017




TOEFL adalah kepanjangan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language (Test Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing), yang dibuat oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service), sebuah lembaga di Amerika Serikat.
Tes TOEFL ini diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada yang kemudian juga bagi mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas Eropa dan Australia. Tes ini program undergraduate (S-1) maupun graduate (S-2 atau S-3).
Secara umum tes ini untuk menilai:
1. Mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan menulis dan tatabahasa dalam Bahasa Inggris agar mampu membuat tulisan ilmiah.
2. Mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar agar nantinya bisa memahami buku-buku textbook yang diwajibkan.
3. Mahasiswa mempunyai kemampuan mendengarkan dengan baik dan benar mengenai uraian yang diberikan dosen dalam bahasa Inggris.
Umumnya tes ini memakan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan diselenggarakan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu bagian:
• grammar structure and written expression
• listening comprehension
• reading comprehension
• writing.
Hingga saat ini TOEFLtelah mengalami 3 evolusi pergantian format sejak pertama kali dibuat 47 tahun silam. Selain perubahan secara format, TOEFLjuga mengalami perubahan yang sangat berbeda di segi hasil/ nilai, seperti yang terlihat dalam bagan berikut:
• Tahun 1964 – 1998 TOEFL Paper Based Test (PBT)
• Tahun 1998 – 2005 TOEFL Computer Based Test (CBT)
• Tahun 2005 – Sekarang TOEFL Internet Based Test
Tes TOEFL iBT format baru ini merupakan suatu alat bahasa Inggris yang dapat mengukur keempat keterampilan berbahasa (Listening, Reading, Speaking dan Writing) secara objektif, valid dan terfokus bagi mereka yang mengikuti tes TOEFL ini.
Dengan demikian, TOEFL iBT merupakan alat ukur standar bahasa Inggris dalam dunia akademik yang tepat digunakan sebagai:
a. Persyaratan bahasa Inggris untuk studi ke luar negeri.
b. Screening program beasiswa atau pertukaran mahasiswa
c. Standar kesiapan mengikuti program akademik berbahasa Inggris
Tes TOEFL lebih berorientasi kepada American English, berbeda dengan jenis tes IELTS yang berorientasi kepada British English.
             Skor penilaian dengan model ini berada pada kisaran 450-550 ke atas. Nilai hasil ujian TOEFL berkisar antara: 310 (nilai minimum) sampai 677 (nilai maximum) untuk versi PBT (paper-based test).
Apa itu TOEIC? TOEIC adalah singkatan dari Test of English for International Communication. TOEIC digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris penutur non-bahasa Inggris dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari di lingkungan kerja internasional.
ETS (Educational Testing Service) mengambangkan tes TOEIC untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris dalam lingkungan bisnis yang digunakan secara internasional. Figur utama pencetus tes TOEIC ini adalah seseorang berkebangsaan Jepang, Yasuo Kitoka. Pada tahun 1970, Kitoka mengusulkan kepada ETS untuk membuat soal tes berbasis bisnis bagi para pekerja Jepang yang bekerja di perusahaan internasional. ETS mulai mengembangkan tes TOEIC pada tahun 1977 dan tes TOEIC pertama kali dilakukan di Jepang pada tahun 1979.
Bentuk Test
Tesnya menggunakan kertas dan pensil, bentuk soalnya pilihan ganda, yang menggunakan audio, gambar, dan tulisan (bacaan) untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan bahasa peserta.Tes ini berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan jumlah soal sebanyak 200 butir. Jenis TOEIC ini memiliki kisaran skor mulai dari 10-900.
Tes ini terbagi menjadi 2 seksi, seksi 1: listening dan seksi 2: reading.
Seksi 1: Listening
Akan diperdengarkan sejumlah pertanyaan dan percakapan singkat dalam bahasa inggris, dan peserta diminta menjawab berdasarkan informasi yang didengar.
·         Part 1: Gambar (Photographs) terdiri dari 20 soal.
·         Part 2: Pertanyaan – respon (Question and Responses) terdiri dari 30 soal.
·         Part 3: Percakapan ringkas (Short Conversations) terdiri dari 30 soal.
·         Part 4: Dialog singkat (Short Talks) terdiri dari 20 soal.
Seksi 2; Reading
Peserta akan membaca berbagai material dan diminta menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan  isi bacaan.
·         Part 5: Kalimat tidak sempurna (Incomplet Sentences) teridiri dari 40 soal.
·         Part 6: Mencari kesalahan kalimat (Error Recognitions) terdiri dari 20 soal.
·         Part 7: Membaca (Reading Comprehensions) terdiri dari 40 soal.
Durasi Waktu
Waktu tes adalah 2½ jam, dengan perincian:
·         Seksi 1: 45 menit
·         Seksi 2: 75 menit
Waktu ini mencakup waktu untuk mengisi beberapa form terkait dengan test.
TOEIC cuma terdiri dari 2 ujian yaitu listening dan reading. range nilai dari 10 sampai 990. TOEIC ini bener-bener buat kerja. Bukan buat cari beasiswa. Tipe soal-soal TOEIC juga mengarah ke bisnis biasany. Buat harga sekitar 400-600 ribu rupiah.

Pada umumnya tes IELTS diteima oleh institusi di negara Australia, Inggris dan Selandia Baru. IELTS adalah uji coba kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang diselenggarakan bersama oleh Universitas Cambridge, British Council dan IDP Education Australia. Pada tes IELTS, bahasa Inggris yang digunakan adalah bahasa Inggris Britania atau British.
Para peserta tes IELTS boleh memilih Modul Akademik (bagi yang ingi mendaftar di universitas dan pendidikan tinggi lainnya) atau Modul Pelatihan Umum (bagi yang berencana mengikuti pelatihan non akademik, untuk memperoleh pengalaman kerja atau untuk tujuan keimigrasian. Tes IELTS menilai setiap bagian dengan skor 0-9, yang kemudian akan diratakan untuk skor akhir dalam skala 0-9.
Berbeda halnya dengan tes TOEFL, tes IELTS semua jawaban akan ditulis tangan. Terdapat empat bagian, yaitu Speaking, Writing, Listening dan Reading. Pada speaking section, peserta tes akan diminta untuk berbicara dengan seorang penilai secara langsung dengan durasi 12-14 menit. Peserta akan ditanya beberapa pertanyaan tentang dirinya sendiri dan sebuah topik. Tes IELTS berdurasi lebih lama dibandingkan TOEFL yaitu dapat mencapai 2 jam 45 menit

TEFL adalah singkatan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing. Jadi, gelar TEFL memenuhi syarat pemegang untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa yang bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa (atau ketiga, atau keempat …) kedua. Banyak lembaga dan organisasi menawarkan gelar TEFL, meskipun beberapa program yang lebih diterima oleh majikan dari yang lain.


Gelar TEFL tidak diperlukan untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua, namun banyak perusahaan lebih suka itu. Umumnya, mahasiswa memperoleh gelar TEFL melalui kursus TEFL, yang bisa berlangsung satu hari atau sampai satu tahun tergantung program yang dipilih. Setelah kesimpulan dari kursus, siswa akan memenuhi syarat untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk orang dewasa sendiri, tanpa perlu ‘tim-mengajar’ atau siswa-mengajar.


1.     Socializing
Proses seumur hidup dalam interaksi sosial dimana individu memperoleh identitas sosial dengan cara berpihak. Perasaan dan peranan yang penting untuk partisipasi efektif dalam masyarakat

2.     Telephoning
Making and receiving telephone calls
Ø  If you need to spell your name, or take the name of your caller, the biggest ptoblem is often saying vowel sounds.
‘a’ is pronounced as in ‘may’
‘e’ is pronounced as in ‘i’ or ‘eye’
‘o’ is pronounced as in ‘no’
‘u’ is pronounced as ‘you’
TIP : keep a note of how you say these letters by your telephone.
Giving number.
Here’s a phone number ; 01712223344 and here’s how to say it : “zero one seven one triple two double three double four”
When you say a seven digit number, separate the number into two blocks of three and four paving after each block.
Each digit is spoken separately, untless it’s a double or triple. If the second part of the number was you’ll probably find it easier to say ‘double five’.
Ex :
You                 : can i speak to (Mr. Smith). Please ? or is (Mr. Smith) there,                          please
Receptionist    : May i ask who’s calling?
You                 : Yes, this Tom Mclvor speaking

3.     Presenting
Visual Information
Ø  Penggunaan komputer untuk terbuat representasi visual yang interaktif dari data yang ada, dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya tangkap informasi.

4.     Meeting
Giving a Report
Ø  To write meeting report, use the agenda as a guide talk about past business that was conclude, summarize, what each speaker said, and list the goals that were identified as action items. Collect your notes. Gather your notes from the meeting and any audio or video recordings you made.

5.      Meeting
Discussion Progress
Ø  Whatever type of project meeting you are holding there should always be an agenda distributed before hand to the participants.
Never jusk ask someone for information in the meeting. Everyone needs time to prepare the rigth data to insure an accurate update of project progress is delivered. But as the project manager you need to remember that a progress meeting is what it says and you need to remind the attendees of this fact, if necessary. A progress meeting is not a time to ask grivances, raise change requests or listen to the technical minutiae of an ongoing problem.
A progress meeting should be brief (so book the meeting room for a limited amount of time probably no longer than an hour and everyone should understand it’s objective, which is simply an update on where the project stands with respect to its schedule and any issues affecting progress..
Any issues requiring detailed discussion shoul be deffered to another meeting where you can discuss the specifics with only those people affected.

6.     Asking For and Giving options
Asking for
Ø  Sebuah ekspresi dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat tentang suatu hal.
Ex : lucy : do you like our school library
       Tina : i like “the english corser” in particular. What about you ?
       Lucy : “the english corses” is not bad. i don’t like some writings on it                                  because they have a lot of mistakes but i really like the                                        information on some english learning materials from the internet.          So, i usually go to some of the websites to get some more                       materials for learning english. I love them very much.
       Tina : great!! Well. I also like some children’s stories from internet. The                 library are good too and they are very helpful..
Giving options
Ø  “the english corses” is not bad. i don’t like some writings on it because they have a lot of mistakes but i really like the   information on some english learning materials from the internet.  So, i usually go to some of the websites to get some more materials for learning english. I love them very much.

7.     Socializing
Making small talk and developing a conversation
Ø  Make yourself approachable, offer a small compliment, and find common ground with the other person. Reveal something interesting about yourself. And ask something about him or her in return. Show you interest by actively listening and asking more questions. If thingd go well. Don’t hestitate bring up hanging out again.
8.     UTS
9.     Making and Responding to suggestions
Ø  The following english thrases and expressions are all used to make suggestions and give advice to people
Making suggestions :
Let’s revise our lessons
Making suggestions :
Ok yes let’s
Refusing suggestions :
No let’s not

10.  Meeting
Controlling the discussion
Ø  Discussion boards allow student the freedom to share their thoughts and opinions on class topics with other users. Occasionally, students may introduce material to the discussion. Board that is inappropriate for the class discussion. Depending in the students in the course. It can be important to review students post for inappropriate content before sharing post with the rest of the class.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

Order letter and inquiry letter

How to create order letter/inquiry letter

Hello All! What’s up? Today I’m going to post about Order Letter and Inquiry letter start from how to create order letter and inquiry letter until the example of it . I will give you an explanation about order letter and inquiry letter as well.
Letter of Order a.k.a Order letter is a document that confirms details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment terms, and so on. When the receipt receives this letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise.
Inquiry Letter, on the other hand, is a letter that’s written for collecting information about job seekers, prices, products, and services before awarding jobs, granting credit, making contacts and giving promotions are known as letter of inquiry. This letter is written to a third party seeking information about either job or company that wishes to make business relationship.

How to create Order letter and Inquiry Letter

A.    How to create order letter

1.      Politely thank the buyer or client for their costum.
2.      Briefly outline the details of the transaction, such as the item model name, color etc, the name of the buyer or client, their address if relevant, and medium of payment. This is essentially a summary of the order to reassure the receipent that everything is going smoothly.
3.      Provide contact information so the receipent can get in touch if there’s problem.

Letter Of Order Example:

Vanza Kitchen Equipment
Vania Raiza
4220 Straford Park
Harold, KY 41635

Dear Mrs. Vaniaraiza,
We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers (Model #43423), all in the color red.
We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account that we have with you, business account #543234.
We hope to receive this order no later than Friday, November 11th, 2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method and receiving address.
Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563 anytime during business hours, Monday to Friday.

Thank you for your cooperation

Keller Kitchen Co

B.     How to create Inquiry Letter

1.      Be courteous. Remember, by making the request you are imposing on the reader’s time and/or resources.
2.      Don’t send an inquiry letter for information you could easily find out by other means, such as with a quick search on the internet.
3.      Your letter can be fairly short, but it should be long enough to adequately explain what it is that you are inquiring about and what you want the reader to do in response to your letter.
4.      Generally, give at least a couple of weeks for the person, company, or organization to respond to your inquiry before you send a follow-up letter or make a follow-up phone call.
5.      If appropriate, you may want to mention that you will keep confidential any information provided. (This may increase the likelihood that the reader will respond to your inquiry.)
6.      Make it as easy as possible for the person to respond to your request. This might mean offering to pay for any needed photocopies or mailing costs, or perhaps including a self-addressed, stamped envelope; necessary forms, questionnaires, or other documents; and so forth.
7.      Make sure to include contact information so that the person can easily get in touch with you if necessary, such as your cell or home phone number or e-mail address.
8.      When the person responds to your inquiry, it is a good idea to send a quick note of thanks expressing your appreciation and telling how the information helped (or can help) you. If appropriate, you may want to offer to return the favor in the future.

How to respond to an inquiry letter:
1)      Specifically indicate the inquiry that was made, as you understand it.
2)      Express your appreciation for the person’s interest.
3)      If possible, personally respond to the inquiry. You might want to include with your response letter any brochures, catalogs, reports, or other helpful information available.
4)      If appropriate, clearly describe any action you feel the person should take and the reason(s) for such a recommendation. (However, you may want to use caution because of any possible liability you might incur for offering such advice.)
5)      If you cannot personally answer the person’s question, let him/her know that you have contacted the person who can and that he/she will shortly be in touch with the reader. If this is not possible, express your regret for being unable to help the reader, and try to find out for him/her the contact information for someone who can help.
6)      If appropriate, you might want to include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell, or the subject matter of the inquiry, beyond the scope of the original inquiry.
7)      Close by saying that you would be happy to help the reader in the future if he/she needs further assistance or by wishing him/her well in his/her endeavor or project, etc.
    Inquiry Letter Tips:
1.     Begin your letter by stating who you are and giving your status or position (such as student, researcher, interested consumer, etc.), and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to.
2.     Clearly state what it is that you are inquiring about and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your inquiry as specific as possible.
3.     You might want to briefly explain the purpose of your letter or what you hope to accomplish. Such an explanation may prompt the recipient of your letter to act more quickly.
4.     If appropriate, consider mentioning the letter recipient’s qualifications for responding to your inquiry (this may prompt him/her to act when he/she might otherwise be hesitant to do so). For example, you could explain that you are writing to the reader because she is a leader in her field and the accepted authority on the subject you are interested in.
5.     Include the date by which you need the information, services, etc., that you are requesting, and indicate that you await the reader’s response.
6.     Thank the person for his/her time.

   E xample of Inquiry Letter
Jl. Raya bogor km.30
Jakarta timur, DKI Jakarta, 13520

December 24, 2016

Mr. syaiful hidayat
Internship CoordinatoAssociated Bank
Jl. Akses UI Kelapa Dua
Depok, Jawa Barat

Dear Mr. syaiful:

During the Fall Job and Internship Fair at the University of Gunadarma Depok, I hathe opportunity to visit withRizka Alvine, your College Recruiting Manager. She suggestethat I contact you directly to receive moreinformation about your summer internshiprogram.

Through a course on financial institutions, I was exposed to many aspects of commerciabanking. This represents acareer opportunity that would allow me to combine my interesin finance and my strong interpersonal skills which Ihave developed through my variouwork experiences and campus activities. To compliment my academics andpresent worexperience, I would hope to participate in an internship during the summer of 2016.

I would appreciate any information that you could forward to me about your summeinternship program. If youhave any questions, I can be reached at (081) 883-121211. look forward to receiving the information andspeaking with you soon. Thank you for youtime and consideration.


Vania Raiza


Vania Raiza
Mobile: 083804602625

Mr Allan Moyle
John Smith and Associates
Email: enquiries@johnsmithandassociates.com.au

23 April 2015

RE: Application for Trainee Administrative Assistant position

Dear Mr. Moyle,

As a young and motivated individual I am extremely interested in submitting an application for the advertised Trainee Administrative Assistant position with John Smith and Associates.

In November 2014 I completed my VCE studies and also obtained a Certificate II in Business Administration. This has given me a range of practical capabilities that will meet the needs of this role. 

While completing my VCE studies I worked part-time as a Customer Service Assistant for KSmart. My responsibilities in this role included providing face-to-face customer service and assisting on the floor with stock movements and visual merchandising. This position has given me key employability skills while also allowing me to experience working in a professional and fast-paced work environment.

With regard to my ability to meet the specific requirements of this job:

·         Customer Service: Worked for four years in a face-to-face customer service environment providing customer service at registers, lay-by counter and on the retail floor. 
·         Reception duties: Responsibilities at KSmart included answering incoming phone calls and assisting customers with phone-based enquiries.
·         General Administration: Certificate II in Business Administration has provided training in the use of skills including filing, data processing, records management and written communication.

My teachers and employers have commended me for my high level of interpersonal skills and naturally engaging personality. My motivations include learning new things and the challenge of meeting key objectives. My current and previous managers can be contacted to provide more information about my ability to meet the needs of this job.

I understand that you will receive a large number of applications for this role. I do, however, believe that my motivation, commitment and pre-existing skills will allow me to fit into your work environment and immediately start supporting the needs of your organisation. 

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my application at an interview. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided above.

Thanking you in advance for your time,

Vania Raiza