Senin, 26 September 2016

personal describtion

Hello everybody
Let me introduce my self. My name is Vania Raiza. You can call me is Vania. I was born in Padang, on march 31th, 1996. My family live at Jl Patenggangan komp  onang number D/18, Padang. I live at kedoya raya pondok cina beji, Depok. I am living separately from my family because i have to continue my education as a accounting student in Gunadarma University. I have two brother’s and  no sister. They are Ikhwan and Refki. Ikhwan is my older brother, he lives with his wife and his son in Pangkal Pinang. He live there because he is working as enterpreneur, and another one Refki he lives in Padang with my parents house. I really love them. They really support my study. We often spend time together in the weekend. My hobby is singing and travelling. I really love music. Even i have a dream to be a famous and great singer. My travelling hobby is happening because of i like to go out and finding something new arround to make me getting new experience. I ever went to bandung, Jogja, pangkal pinang, padang, bengkulu for travelling. My desire is to be a college teacher. The reason why do i want to be a college teacher is because i want to be helpful for people. In Gunadarma University i take the accounting subject because since i was child i like to count rather than memorizing. To me being study in accounting can get more chance to get job.
                That’s all about me, my family and my education background. Thank you very much for you attention

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